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Club Update July 24

Since its inception in 2017, the RSF has dedicated considerable effort to engaging
with the club. Our aim has been to present ideas and suggestions from RSF
members and foster open, candid discussions about the club’s direction.
We welcome constructive criticism, viewing it as an opportunity to address and
resolve issues raised by our members. In the face of current financial challenges, our
approach prioritizes solutions that are both cost-neutral and cost-effective.
We have reached a stage where regular meetings with Brisbane Roar Management
are now standard practice. Our July meeting was attended by Neil Ballment the RSF
President, John Lang RSF Vice President, Rod Goldsworthy RSF Secretary, Roar
CEO Kaz Patafta, Roar COO Zac Anderson, and members of the Roar Membership
Funding Concerns
As widely reported in mainstream and social media, the APL has significantly
reduced funding to clubs, with all receiving $530,000 (Canberra’s women’s team
receives $200,000). This shortfall was unexpected, given initial projections of $1.5
Running the Club entails annual expenses of approximately $10 million, with the
Bakries already contributing $6 million annually to ensure operational continuity. Kaz
has been actively liaising with the Bakries to secure funding to cover the APL
shortfall, with assurances that this support will be forthcoming.
The Club faces higher costs at Suncorp Stadium compared to other clubs. It costs
around $160,000 per game just for the stadium with extra costs incurred for
mandatory transport levies and cleaning costs for each attendee. Despite upcoming
reductions in transport rates, the Club’s costs for transport will not reflect these
savings as they are set in the agreement with Suncorp.
The RSF proposed special for special ticketing pricing to mark the A-League’s 20th
anniversary, but it looks like current constraints mean that this is not feasible without
seriously impacting Club finances.
For player salaries, the men’s team operates under a $2.25 million minimum spend
requirement, with contracts spanning 52 weeks. The Club anticipates exceeding this
requirement this season. Meanwhile, the women’s team adheres to a $550,000
minimum spend, with contracts spanning 35 weeks.
It is easily seen that the reduction in the APL distribution from the usual $2 to 3
million down to $500 thousand has had a devastating effect on APL Clubs so it is
therefore reassuring that Kaz has obtained a commitment by our sometimes much
criticised Owner the Bakrie Group to meet any shortfall.

Community Engagement
Efforts to engage the community have evolved positively, with recent initiatives such
as the Holiday Clinics seeing participation from over 1100 boys and girls, a
significant increase from last season. Attendees received a 3-game pass to BRFC
home games, underscoring our commitment to fostering grassroots engagement.
Stay tuned for further updates in the coming days.

During the RSF’s recent meeting with the Club, we delved into the topic of Club
Merchandise. Historically, the Club has received a mere 10% return from sales of
Club merchandise with the balance being retained by the APL.  Both the APL and
previously the FA have overseen all aspects ranging from sale and distribution to
specific merchandise licensing and the Club have not had the opportunity to manage
its own merch.
Thanks to some hard negotiation by Kaz and Zac this situation will be changing with
our Club having much more control and a much bigger share of returns from
Additionally, Suncorp imposes restrictions requiring merchandise to undergo special
testing prevent colours from running when exposed to moisture causing
possible damage to the stadium, or the likelihood of rubbish being left for cleanup at
the stadium despite the fact that a special cleanup fee is already charged per
person. This means that Fans will not see plastic ponchos, so very useful in other
seasons, included in the Members Pack.
RSF polling conducted a few weeks ago provided valuable insights into our
members’ preferences, we are happy to see that the club’s future direction in this
area seems to be following what we found from the polls.
The Club announced last week that Cikers has been appointed as the new apparel
supplier for the club, they have already been supplying the Mariners. Their products
adhere to the same high standards as other well known suppliers.
Zac provided us with an overview of upcoming merchandising developments.
Specifics are currently confidential. Rest assured, significant changes are underway
that will transform how the Club and our fans engage with merchandise.
We are confident that the Club is making strides in the right direction concerning
their merchandising efforts.

Perry Park
Following updates from Football Queensland regarding the potential upgrade of
Perry Park (the home of football), Roar Management has been actively engaged in
discussions and collaborating closely with FQ for the benefit of the entire
community.  The result is that our Club now has a seat at the table in working out the
future of the Perry Park Complex.
The RSF and Fair Funding for Football, have been working diligently behind the
scenes to achieve a better outcome for football, including the establishment of a
dedicated football-specific stadium. The Club is working with all levels of
Government and with the Opposition to ensure progress in this area, this initiative is
also supported by the Bakries our Club’s Owners.
Game Day Experience
Enhancing the game day experience for our fans has always been a priority for the
RSF. We understand that fans attend matches to support the team and to engage
with players post-game. We also recognize that entertainment is a crucial part of the
football experience. While we acknowledge the current financial constraints and
restrictions that may impact what can be achieved, we believe that with the support
of the Roar Faithful and volunteers, additional game day experiences can be
The RSF will continue to put up suggestions to, and work with Club Management to
improve Fan experience.
The current APL Board term concludes in September, and all Board positions will be
up for re-election.
Whilst Chris Fong is still shown as a Board Member on the APL website the RSF
understands that he no longer has the backing of the Bakrie Group and does not sit
on the Board of the APL..
The APL Independent Chair, Stephen Conroy, is actively collaborating with our Club
moving forward. The RSF is exploring the possibility of hosting an online fan forum
with Stephen, an initiative that the RSF Management Committee will pursue in the
coming weeks.
The RSF understands that the current broadcast deal with Paramount is set to
continue for three more years, which will continue to affect the amount the Clubs will
received from the APL by way of distribution.

Preseason 24/25:
The Club is finalizing plans for the preseason games, expected to include matches
across Southeast Queensland and potentially in regional areas, excluding Hervey
Bay this season. We aim to share a preseason game calendar with our members as
soon as arrangements are confirmed. All games have to be sanctioned by Football Queensland before confirming.
Season 24/25:
Our Men’s team has resumed training with several players currently on trial. We
anticipate further announcements in the coming weeks.
The Women’s team will commence training shortly after the conclusion of the NPLW
season in early September, under the leadership of coach Alex Smith, who is
actively shaping the team for the upcoming season.
Both teams operate on contracts spanning 52 weeks for the men and 35 weeks for
the women.
The A-League Men’s season will kick off in mid-October, with the club slated to lose
the opportunity for one of its home games which will be played in Sydney as part of
the Unite Round, resulting in 12 home games for the season. The A-League
Women’s season will begin in early November, with both competitions concluding
around May 2025.
Unite Round:
This round is scheduled for November this year, and our Men’s team is set to face
Adelaide United. The RSF is in discussions with the Club to organize a Roar Road
Trip, offering fans an opportunity to enjoy a football-filled weekend in Sydney. Details
will be confirmed once the official announcement is made. Early enquiries made by
the Vice President indicate that we will be able to source discounts on
accommodation in Sydney and to also organise a Supporters Bus or similar transport
to Sydney at a reasonable cost.
Time constraints limited our discussion on Club sponsors. However the RSF can
confirm that, Contrary to recent rumours, OutKast remains the front-of-shirt sponsor
and continues to support the Club. Careful observers will have noticed that the
OutKast logo is visible on the new Cikers training gear.
While all clubs are undergoing rebuilding phases, the Roar’s proactive approach
under Kaz and Zac’s leadership has positioned us ahead of the curve. The office
staff works tirelessly to manage operations. The RSF will be looking at ways for
members, who can contribute time during office hours or game days, both for men’s
and women’s matches, to provide some practical support for.

Despite the League’s financial challenges, the RSF remains optimistic about the
upcoming season and is eager to move forward positively.
The RSF’s interactions with Roar Management and staff continues to be positive and
productive and we look forward to further fruitful engagement with the Club.
As we plan for the season ahead, we echo the sentiment contained in JFK’s famous
quote (adapted accordingly): Ask not what the Club can do for me, but what I can do
for the Club. (Apologies to JFK).

Report issued by Neil Ballment the RSF President,

John Lang RSF Vice President,

Rod Goldsworthy RSF Secretary

Any suggestions or ideas can be forwarded to